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Skip Navigation LinksHome > Guia International Product Forums > Employee Scheduling Assistant v2.3 Trial
Last Post 5/2/2017 9:19:30 AM By admin. 3 replies.
1/30/2017 7:51:44 AM
Posts: 1
Joined: 1/30/2017
Employee Scheduling Assistant v2.3 Trial
I can't set the three year slide on  Employee Scheduling Assistant v2.3 Trial to 2016-2018
The program allways set to 2017-2019
2/23/2017 8:26:42 PM
Posts: 35
Joined: 6/12/2007
Re: Employee Scheduling Assistant v2.3 Trial
Thank you for your feedback.  We are looking into this issue and will let you know what we find.
4/6/2017 12:16:26 AM
Posts: 35
Joined: 6/12/2007
Re: Employee Scheduling Assistant v2.3 Trial
We have located the issue responsible for this and will be issuing a revision to fix this issue.  We will post an update here when the revision is released.  Thank you again for your feedback.
5/2/2017 9:19:30 AM
Posts: 35
Joined: 6/12/2007
Re: Employee Scheduling Assistant v2.3 Trial
This issue has been resolved by ESA revision 2.3.1 which has been released to the website and is available for download.
To run revision 2.3.1, you will need to completely uninstall version 2.3.0 first. We highly recommend that you make a backup of your database prior to uninstalling 2.3.0 using the Backup option on the File menu. The uninstallation of 2.3.0 should not remove the existing database, so this is just a precaution, but a necessary precaution.
If you need additional information, please contact techsupport@workschedules.com.  Thank you.