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Skip Navigation LinksHome > Guia International Product Forums > Scheduling Employees, v4.0 Revision 10
Last Post 6/25/2012 1:24:28 PM By Admin. 0 replies.
6/25/2012 1:24:28 PM
Posts: 45
Joined: 10/31/2011
Location:Hollywood, FL
Scheduling Employees, v4.0 Revision 10

A new update for Scheduling Employees 4.0 is available

This revision contains a few critical updates:

  • When copying a week's schedules, full or partial vacation days will not carry over
  • Fix for Errors 5 and 91 when cutting timelines in the Interdepartmental function
  • When restoring a database, Scheduling Employees will check for previous versions of the database, eliminating compatibilty errors
  • With a Single Registration, the network path option will be disabled, consistent with the Single User License agreement. The Network Path can only be accessed during the Trial or with a Site License Registration Code
  • When upgrading from a Single to a Site License, you will be able to change your registration code by clicking on Help from the opening screen, then Enter New Registration Code
  • Fix for a problem related to the database being "hidden" by the file system

Other fixes from previous revisions of version 4.0:

  • Fix for a graphical error when selecting Day Schedule in the Main Editor
  • Fix to filter out inactive employees in the database
  • Adjustments to the Migration Tool

If you have already purchased a Single or Site License for Scheduling Employees, version 4.0, this update is free of charge and can be accessed by logging into your account at www.workschedules.com. Click on My Account, then My Orders, and select your order.  Scroll to the bottom of the screen to access the download link.

You do not have to uninstall your current version before installing this update.  Save sewsetupv4010.zip to your computer, then extract the contents.  If you are installing on a Vista or Windows 7 Operating System, right-click the setup application, select Run as Administrator and follow the prompts to complete the installation.  All other Operating Systems, double-click the setup application and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

The Email function is still in progress, you will receive another email when we are near completetion.  Please direct all questions to guia@workschedules.com.



Customer Service (800) 380-0073 guia@workschedules.com