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Skip Navigation LinksHome > Guia International Product Forums > Google GMail Updates That Affect SEW GMail Inte...
Last Post 4/14/2023 1:50:34 PM By jack. 2 replies.
5/7/2022 4:42:00 PM
Posts: 35
Joined: 6/12/2007
Google GMail Updates That Affect SEW GMail Integration
GMail has announced updates to the GMail email software taking effect on May 30, 2022.  On this date, GMail will deprecate the "less secure application" integration option in GMail.  In its place, GMail will require users to setup an App Password to be used in the SEW application so that users can send SEW emails through their GMail account.

To setup an App Password for your GMail account, you will first be required to enable Two-Factor Authentication in GMail.  Only after enabling Two-Factor Authentication in GMail will the option to create an App Password become available.  After you have enabled Two-Factor authentication in your GMail account, then create an App Password.  Please choose "Custom" for the type of App Password and give it a name like "SEW".  GMail will then generate a 16-character App Password (please remove the spaces), that you will use in place of your regular Gmail password in the SEW email account area.  So, you will go into the email functionality in SEW, Email Accounts, then on the GMail tab, replace your regular GMail password with the 16-character App Password which GMail generated for you.

If you have any questions, please contact our tech support department at techsupport@workschedules.com.  Thank you.
4/13/2023 10:37:05 PM
Posts: 1
Joined: 4/13/2023
Re: Google GMail Updates That Affect SEW GMail Integration
I am finding even after using this method I am getting an unsecured SMTP failure whenever I try sending emails from the application
4/14/2023 1:50:34 PM
Posts: 11
Joined: 3/6/2012
Re: Google GMail Updates That Affect SEW GMail Integration
I have tested the process detailed above and it works.  The two factor authentication was easy to set up, but they will require a second phone number in case your phone is compromised.  However, the app password set up was no where to be found, the only linkable page was to manage  existing apps.  So I searched for create App password and it took me to https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords
From here I had to sign again with my gmail password and was able to select "Other (custom name)" as the new app and create a new app password.  This password thn was entered in the SEW program as the password for the google account (the gmail password is not the password, the code is).  Once that was saved I was able to successfully sent with the gmails SMTP.
There are other reasons to get an SMTP error, such as errors in the email address.
If anyone has any questions please email techsupport@workschedules,com for assistance.